What is Natural Language Annotation?

Natural language annotation is the key to unlocking human communication for machines. Our team carefully labels text and audio, transforming raw language data into a reservoir of insights for AI. We can identify and tag everything from sentiments and named entities to linguistic structures, creating the foundation of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models.

Our Clients

Natural Language Annotation Services

Aya Data offers a wide range of natural language annotation services to help you build high-quality datasets for your NLP projects. Our skilled annotation team, consisting of C1/C2 level linguists, provides expert annotations for various NLP tasks, ensuring your models are trained with accurate and contextually relevant data.

Named Entity Recognition

Named Entity Recognition (NER) identifies and classifies entities like names, organisations, and locations in text. Our team carefully labels each entity, enabling NLP models to extract structured data from unstructured text. 

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis determines the emotional tone or opinion expressed in text, categorising it as positive, negative, or neutral. Our annotators carefully label text with appropriate sentiment, considering context and language nuances.

Audio/ Text Translation

We offer translation services for both audio and text, helping you reach diverse, multilingual audiences. Our team of native speakers and advanced linguists ensure accurate, culturally appropriate translations. 

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) is an advanced AI training method that integrates human input with machine learning. It enhances traditional reinforcement learning by incorporating human judgments, preferences, and ethical considerations. This approach helps AI models learn complex tasks, understand nuanced human expectations, and align more closely with social norms. RLHF is particularly valuable for tasks requiring sophisticated decision-making and ethical reasoning.

Why Use Aya for Your Natural Language Annotation Project

Talk to an Expert
    • Exceptional Customer EXPERIENCE

      • 1. Consistent communication throughout projects
      • 2. Transparent pricing across annotation tasks
      • 3. Dedicated project management teams
      • 4. Flexible workflows for various language needs
      • 5. Ongoing support for evolving projects
    • Unwavering QUALITY

      • 1. Custom quality control for diverse linguistic annotations
      • 2. Innovative solutions for complex language challenges
      • 3. Strict ethical guidelines for sensitive content
      • 4. Clear paths for linguistic feedback integration
      • 5. Consistent, high-quality language data delivery
    • Unparalleled EXPERTISE

      • 1. Skilled team of C1/C2 level linguists
      • 2. Expert annotations for various language tasks
      • 3. Multilingual proficiency across numerous languages
      • 4. Contextually relevant data for model training
      • 5. Proven success in enhancing AI language performance