Data Science, Data Acquisition, and Data Annotation Services for Insurtech

Insurtech is based on the premise that technological advancement can aid in providing more effective services within the insurance industry. Implementing AI solutions within Insurtech is the natural extension of that viewpoint. And Aya Data provides industry-specific data science and AI services. We can augment your teams with the expertise your project requires. You can hire us to acquire and annotate data for ML models. We can help you optimize the machine learning solutions you already employ. Or we can build and deploy bespoke AI solutions specifically for your company. Regardless of the type of service from the AI value chain you need, we can assist you.  
happy family sitting in the living room and looking at the computer

Companies That Trust Us

Data Acquisition for Insurtech

  1. Aya Data can collect and curate physical data, such as images, videos, and sensor data, to later be used to train ML models to help with damage assessment and insurance claims.
  2. We can collect relevant information on customers to enable risk assessment analyses and to allow insurance companies to provide tailor-made services for specific target groups. All the data we collect is in compliance with regional data protection laws and regulations. 
  3. Aya Data can source market information from external datasets, such as open-source libraries or from our network of partners, to help insurance companies utilize advanced analytics.

Data Annotation for Insurtech

  1. We can accurately annotate, label, and curate large sets of physical data. Our full-time team of data annotation experts can efficiently label images and videos to train computer vision models.
  2. Aya Data can annotate textual data from insurance claims at scale to help create training datasets for AI models that can automate large portions of the insurance claims process and identify fraudulent behavior.
  3. Our annotation team consists of speakers of English, French, and over 10 African dialects. We can provide annotation services that create training datasets for sentiment analyses, which can be used to improve customer experience. 

Data Science and AI Solutions for Insurtech

  1. You can get bespoke AI models for insurance companies that can identify aberrant behavior and flag potentially fraudulent claims.
  2. Computer vision models can be trained to classify and identify different damage types and degrees of damage from images and videos. This can expedite insurance claims processes and remove potential human bias and error, enabling more accurate damage assessment.
  3. Machine learning models can be trained to understand customer needs and requirements and help provide personalized services tailed to each customer.

Insuretech Case Studies

Sourcing and Annotating Vehicle Damage Images for Automated Insurance Claim Validation

Schedule a Free Consultation

From sourcing insurance market data to labeling images for CV models to
building bespoke AI solutions for insurance companies, Aya Data can add value throughout the entire AI chain.
Schedule a free consultation so that we can discuss how advanced Insurtech solutions can be implemented within your company.