Data Science, Data Acquisition, and Data Annotation for the Transportation Industry

Accurate data collection and annotation techniques that you can use to train machine learning algorithms are the path to increased efficiency in the transportation industry. Building autonomous vehicles, optimizing logistics routes, making predictive market analyses, proactively managing traffic, and much more, rests on high-quality data science solutions. And Aya Data can provide them.  We have niche experience in data collection and data annotation for the transportation industry and we can build and deploy custom AI solutions for your company. If you need team augmentation, our full-time staff can seamlessly integrate into your existing operations. Whichever segment of the AI value chain you need assistance with, Aya Data can help.
transportation data annotation, cars on the city roads

Companies That Trust Us

Data Acquisition for the Transportation Industry

  1. We can help you collect real-time data about traffic and relevant conditions through sensors, drones, cameras, GPS, and other devices.
  2. Acquire data on vehicle diagnostics and passenger behaviors to make data-driven decisions if your company is in the business of transporting passengers or cargo.
  3. Aya Data can help you procure and curate historical data from open-source libraries, by web scraping, or through our network of transportation partners to improve your company’s efficiency via accurate business intelligence.

Data Annotation for the Transportation Industry

  1. High-accuracy, high-relevancy annotated data sets are the backbone of all machine learning models for the transportation industry. Aya Data has a dedicated, full-time annotation team that can scale with your business needs.
  2. Automated vehicles can’t function safely in real time without appropriate training data sets. We have LiDAR experts that can convert information gathered from complex urban environments into effective data sets.
  3. Logistics optimization, risk analysis, and demand prediction necessitate human-in-the-loop data annotation to accurately label large data sets. This is precisely the type of service that Aya Data provides.

Data Science and AI Solutions for the Transportation Industry

  1. We provide services across the entire AI value chain. If you need us to create and deploy bespoke AI solutions or simply to augment your existing operations, we have the personnel required.
  2. From traffic management to risk assessment to operational optimization, we can help you train machine learning models specific to the transportation industry.
  3. Estimate the demand for your services by utilizing AI solutions to find patterns and make predictive analyses. Increase your productivity by allowing us to build accurate machine learning models.

Transportation Case Studies

two people riding electric scooters

Preparing Autonomous Vehicles for the Growing Popularity of E-Scooters

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a free consultation to see how our data-driven insights can help with
your transportation business. From data acquisition to data annotation to
AI solutions, we can help your company increase in efficiency in any segment you require.