Combining Soil Acidity Data with Product Sales to Create Unique Business Intelligence

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Demeter, an agricultural inputs supplier that operates in West Africa, specializes in working with smallholder farmers to enhance crop yields using primarily organic fertilizers. In order to optimize their product offers and serve the needs of their customers, Demeter sought to utilize open-source data on soil acidity. This information would be used to gain insights into their target markets and customize product recommendations.

Data Science and AI




London, UK

Company Size


field with a tree


While Demeter understood the potential value of incorporation soil acidity data into their sales strategy, they were challenged with effectively visualizing and utilizing this information. They would need a solution that allowed them to overlay soil acidity data with customer profiles and product sales.

Only by overlaying such data could they gather valuable insights into the correlation between soil acidity levels, customer preferences, and product demand.


Demeter approached Aya Data to collaborate on developing and deploying an interactive dashboard that would meet their specific needs. The dashboard would integrate open-source soil acidity data with Demeter’s customer information and sales data for different products. This would allow Demeter to visually analyze and explore the relationships between soil acidity, specific customer segments, and product performance.

The solution necessitated collecting and processing the relevant soil acidity data from open-source databases. Aya Data’s data scientists would then integrate the data with Demeter’s customer and sales data to create a comprehensive, easy-to-use, dashboard. The dashboard would contain interactive features and visualization tools that facilitate finding patterns and gaining insights.


After the interactive dashboard was implemented, Demeter observed a significant improvement in sales performance:

  1. Enhanced Sales Growth: The insights enabled Demeter to target markets where their organic fertilizers were in high demand due to soil acidity. They provided accurate product recommendations and customized their marketing strategies. In the first year after the dashboard was implemented, Dementer realized a 48% year-over-year increase in sales.

  2. Improved Customer Engagement: The dashboard enabled Demeter’s sales teams to visually demonstrate to farmers the correlation between soil acidity and product effectiveness. This led to enhanced customer engagement and brand loyalty.

  3. Data-Driven Decision Making: The comprehensive analysis and correlations provided by the interactive dashboard helped Demeter’s management team to make data-driven decisions regarding product development, market expansion, and inventory management.

The collaboration between Aya Data and Demeter resulted in Demeter successfully optimizing their sales approach and achieving significant sales growth after the dashboard was implemented. The insights derived from the dashboard empowered them to better serve smallholder farmers and promote the use of organic fertilizers to improve crop yields.

Ready to optimize your agricultural product offers and better serve your customers? Get in touch with us today to learn how our solutions can transform your business insights and provide sustainable growth.